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I come from China, my name is samson, I am a gem and jewelry lovers in China, we are jewelry suppliers, wholesale jewelry, and production of precious stones


Inclusion Tips

Inclusion Tips

Inclusions within the gemstone characteristics, may be solid, liquid or gas, is when the envelope in which crystal growth, or grow into the matrix material after the filling (or part of the filling) cleavage, cracks and fracture of the material. Although generally seen as a flaw, but people today often think they add a taste for the precious stones. Identification of the gemstone inclusions are also quite helpful, because some experts are certain minerals, while some only found in a particular area.

The formation of inclusion Inclusions formed in the matrix of solid rock before the rock crystal in a matrix and wrapped them around the growth. Inclusions may be different crystals, or amorphous mineral block. Formed simultaneously with the matrix rock solid and liquid inclusions embedded-atom structure. Such as star ruby and sapphire stellate color is caused by the needle-like crystals of rutile, which corundum crystals in the matrix while the growth of crystal planes parallel to its formation. Matrix after the formation of holes and cracks will have a similar healing feathers, insect wings or fingerprint inclusions. Inclusions within the gemstone characteristics, may be solid, liquid or gas, is when the envelope in which crystal growth, or grow into the matrix material after the filling (or part of the filling) cleavage, cracks and fracture of the material. Although generally seen as a flaw, but people today often think they add a taste for the precious stones. Identification of the gemstone inclusions are also quite helpful, because some experts are certain minerals, while some only found in a particular area.

